Thursday, December 17, 2009

Snakes and Snails and Puppydog Tails!

We are getting very excited about meeting our little baby boy! I will admit that at first I was a bit shocked. Having a boy has never been something I daydreamed about or pictured as part of my life. The reason, I think, is because my life has always been about little girls. Everytime we went to the hospital when I was young, we brought home a baby girl! It's just life. I think God's idea of keeping me on my toes is blessing me with a little boy. And as we get closer and closer to that day, I just can't wait! I've had many moms of boys tell me that "life will never be the same" and "boys are so much fun!" (both of those statements could be interpreted in a couple of different ways :). Everyday I realize what a wonderful adventure we are about to embark upon... and then I freak out a little.

Baby boy is kicking around like crazy these days. Kent was able to feel him kicking for the first time yesterday. SO FUN! And I know you're wondering about names. Well, we have none. Our college students have given him a few different names. (none of which will be on the birth certificate). They want him to have cool initials so they can call him JAM or BOM. ???

22 Weeks (it's grown a bit since this pic!)

For Christmas, every year, we go carolling with our students to widow's houses from our church, then we go to a family's house from church (The Uptons) and have yummy food and a white elephant gift exchange..... we always have many many laughs!

The Uptons' Christmas tree!

Exchanging "gifts"

We put up outside lights at the Bible Chair for the first time EVER this year!!
If you come to Canyon you can see the finished product :)

Our Christmas house

Kent went out for milk one morning and brought back this AWESOME tree!!

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. I have absolutely zero advice on the whole having a boy in the family:) I have nephews, though, and they sure are fun! You look great, and that tree is so pretty, way to go Kent!
